Edwards Constructions and Offshore Windfarms

Edwards Constructions and Offshore Windfarms

Read our Letter in Support of Windfarms HERE Dear Sir/Madam, I declare that we are a local regional construction company and have a commercial interest in this project proceeding for the myriad of construction opportunities that the future windfarm projects will...
Edwards Constructions and Procore

Edwards Constructions and Procore

What do Procore and LEGO have in common? It’s time to evolve. Edwards Constructions uses a LEGO Live workshop to show teams how Procore can help drive their accreditation and innovation. Case Study Following team certification of the Procore platform, Edwards...
Edwards Constructions Looks to the Future

Edwards Constructions Looks to the Future

Sam Edwards and Tim Foster have moved into the office in Nowra and will be pricing work for our future clients.  The team at Edwards is working hard to win projects and provide work for our subbies and suppliers into 2018.  We appreciate all the support, understand...